At Kean University there is just one voice allowed to be heard. President Dawood Farahi, uses fear and intimidation rather than leadership, to control the university community. Because of the systematic suppression of freedom of speech and freedom to assemble on campus, the Council of Concerned Faculty are going directly to the public to reach students, parents, other faculty and taxpayers with an alternative message of what they believe is really in the best interest of students.
The Union invites you to decide what is the truth about Kean University
It is our position that a university exists to educate students. The union wants to see that the money goes to the academic programs to support teaching and student learning. Farahi wants you to believe that the union refuses to give concessions and that all the money is tied up in union benefits. But, that is not the case at all. Please read on and we hope that this blog will help to get the truth to the public.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Frequently asked questions about the Spring 2009 Schedule
A - No, under the guise of being a “student” newspaper, it was created by the administration who objected to negative or critical stories written in the independent paper, The Tower, so that it could control information distributed to students. You will never find anything critical of the administration in the Cougar’s Byte. Its purpose is public relations, not news.
Q - Is anyone really in favor of this new schedule?
A - No one has had the opportunity to voice an honest opinion or participate in an impartial vote. Even though there has been earnest opposition to the schedule by faculty and students, the administration continues to misrepresent them as “being totally supportive” of the schedule, which is utter nonsense. The faculty were told by the Provost that the “discussion is over” and they are ordered to submit and implement the schedule for Spring 2009 by June 23rd.
Q - How will this schedule keep tuition down?
A - It won’t. The University will raise tuition to the limits allowed by the state of New Jersey. It cannot go beyond a certain percentage without incurring penalties from the state. The promise that this will affect tuition rates is to convince the students to support the new schedule.
Q - I don’t understand how a class meeting three times a week for fifty minutes helps save money?
A - It won’t for anyone, most especially students who will spend a great deal of money commuting to campus three times for a class that formerly met met twice a week. Even better would be classes that met once a week. That would, in fact, cut down Kean University’s carbon footprint. USA Today recently published an article on how universities are helping students use gas efficiently by cutting the number of class meetings per week. Kean is adding classes at a time when gas prices are the highest in history. Now students and faculty are driving more to meet for less contact time.
Q - Won’t those MWF classes only affect lower division students?
A - Yes, but in addition, faculty have been told to schedule required classes at 8am, late evening, Fridays and Saturdays. This will ensure enrollment for unpopular times and so students will find themselves taking classes five days a week, not three.
Q - But why do the faculty object? Don’t they just want to be here fewer hours like the administration says?
A - Faculty have to prepare to teach four three hour classes per week, prepare and copy materials, write up assignments, grade papers, prepare and grade tests, supervise labs, meet with students, do advising, attend meetings, attend Open Houses, convocations, commencement, training, write courses, revise curriculum, serve as advisors to clubs, and much more, at a minimum. As faculty employees they are also required to keep up their professional work, do research and publish, serve on committees, write grants, attend conferences, and do service for their department, college, university and community. All of this must be documented and submitted to the administration each year, in the Individual Faculty Report that becomes part of a departmental summary report. There is great accountability for the faculty activity that far exceeds a typical forty hour work week. All non-tenured faculty re-apply for their jobs each year and the documentation necessary for reappointment is tremendously rigorous. Tenured faculty are reviewed by law every five years and must account for five years worth of activity in teaching, scholarship and service. Most tenured faculty are also applying for highly competitive promotion. All these activities require three sets of peer observations and student evaluations. Faculty work hard to make sure their classes result in a quality education for students. The characterization of faculty putting in the equivalent of two eight hour days per week is absurd. On the other hand, there is no administrative report and no accountability for administrators. Maybe the New Jersey taxpayers and students should ask them for similar documentation as to what they do and to justify why they continue to hire more administrators while freezing full time faculty positions.
Q - The administration says that this new schedule is “good for students, and good for Kean University,” is it?
A - No, faculty know the students they teach and the programs and curriculum they design, not the administration. They know what classes and times work best for students and their busy schedules. They understand that Kean students need blocks of time for work, internships, athletics, labs and other commitments. They understand that MWF classes will not save the university money and that there is no savings that will be passed on to students. The complicated, convoluted schedule simply does not work. It will be almost impossible for a student to get a three day or four day schedule. Most everyone will be on campus five days a week and that will complicate already hideous parking issues, assuming there will be gas money to drive to campus and circle the lots.
Q - But won’t I get better advising?
A - You don’t need the new schedule to get better advising. There have been a lot of problems with advising that are not the fault of the faculty: KeanWISE is often down, students have restrictions or “holds” on their accounts (frequently there long after the student has resolved or attempted to resolve the issue). Student schedules are dropped by the administration and everyone scrambles to get back into closed classes. KeanWISE or Datatel gives an error message or says the transcript is “unavailable.” Student records fall far behind actions such as changes of majors, or documents have to be submitted multiple times or have multiple signatures from multiple offices. Forms are unavailable or outdated. Information is contradictory or unavailable. Administrative offices don’t answer their phones. Many faculty computers are hopelessly out of date and won’t run some of the software programs. School advisors responsibilities have been transferred to faculty who now must advise outside the major program and spend time training to keep up with endless changes in curriculum, university or state regulations. Online program evaluations are difficult to interpret and often inaccessible.
Q - Why is the Council of Chairs opposed to the new schedule?
A - Because it was imposed on the faculty and students without regard for real input from affected parties. The administration refuses to answer questions, discuss superior alternative plans, supply written evidence, or even acknowledge that this plan does not make fiscal sense. It wants to impose the schedule on the campus community even though the evidence suggests that it will makes things worse, not better. It will require adjunct faculty to drive to campus three times a week for very little compensation. It has already cost a fortune in man hours to re-tool scheduling from scratch. Faculty oppose it because they know it won’t work, is not in the best interest of students, and not good for Kean University.
Q - How does the University expect to cover the deficit?
A - They will likely attempt to increase enrollment, increase tuition to allowed limits, impose a freeze on hiring faculty, increase reliance on adjunct professors, and increase fees, and rely on adjunct faculty. Kean has the highest percentage of adjunct faculty of all the state institutions. They threaten to cut full-time faculty even further, at a time when they have hired a record number of new administrators. They announced the appointment of two new vice-president’s within the past two weeks. They claim that the biggest expense is in salaries, but even the highest paid faculty make far less than the far more abundant top administrators.
Q - How can we get the administration to be accountable or actually answer questions?
A - Tell your friends the truth…and share this document with them. Tell them to show it to their parents and to write to their representatives asking for an impartial inquiry into why this scheme is allowed to move forward.
Here's our decide.
From the Council of Concerned Faculty
Concerning: Recommending Reorganizing the Administration
and Providing Public Oversight for University Administration
The Farahi Administration admits that it has steered the university into financial ruin and is now desperate to bail itself out through a proposed massive reorganization of the academic structure, the one entity least responsible for the current situation. Last October, Bob Braun, columnist for the Star-Ledger, identified what is really to blame for the university’s financial problems:
New Jersey higher education isn't just beset by scandals. It is a scandal, a chronic state of affairs tawdry enough to rival a tale of Hudson County politics set in the 1930. And that state of affairs will continue without state oversight. Despite annual spending of $2.2 billion in public funds, colleges are free of public policing.
Recently, the administration at Kean University revealed plans to
· combine or eliminate academic programs
· reduce academic support and budgets
· eliminate all department chairs replacing them with an added layer of administrative rather than academic oversight
· Increase reliance on adjunct professors, and increase class size.
Interestingly, last year they imposed a universally unpopular schedule change that promised to bring in more money to the university and hold down tuition costs and increase enrollment.
· It didn’t. Tuition and fees are equal to all the other state institutions.
· Students are rejecting Kean University in large numbers at a time when most state colleges have seen strong enrollment increases. (Montclair increased 20% to Kean’s 11 %)
· The spring Open House was so poorly attended that an emergency second open house was scheduled for May 3rd.
· For the first time, Graduate enrollments are flat, coming directly after the implementation of the new schedule that many students felt adversely affected their work or family schedules.
The Council of Concerned faculty agrees with the Kean Federation of Teachers (KFT) that it is administrative fiscal mismanagement that has caused this situation and supports its call for state intervention, particularly an impartial audit of finances.
The university administration has consistently sought public opinion against the faculty as a way of diverting attention to the real issues of fiscal abuse. That other state universities have managed to operate without the same punitive policies toward students and faculty, should prompt taxpayers to ask: Where is the money going at Kean University? Equally important, The Council of Concerned Faculty calls for a drastic reduction in the Kean University administration that has ballooned out of control. Kean has 59 more administrators than Montclair State University and Kean has about 150 fewer faculty. Clearly, the answer for a successful university is to have far fewer administrators and more full time faculty. Kean University graduation rates are the worst in the state, around 17%. Kean addresses that problem by cutting academic programs, increasing reliance on adjuncts, and reducing academic support. If you want students to graduate, give them teachers not administrators.
The Council of Concerned Faculty agrees with the KFT. Here are the real issues:
Since Farahi became President, the University’s debt has ballooned from $35 million to nearly $400 million. Data supplied by the administration shows that the debt service on its 2007E series of bonds has increased by $6 million for this fiscal year. It is unacceptable for faculty, staff and students to suffer for the administration’s abysmal fiscal management.
Further, the administration appears to be misrepresenting the facts. According to the KFT:
The worst-case scenario is a $6 million deficit out of a $150 million budget. That represents a maximum potential shortfall of 4%. Institutions of our size see variations in revenue of this magnitude all the time and routinely plan for such deficits. We believe that a calm, rational, collaborative approach can yield the savings necessary to balance the budget with no disruption to the University’s operation.
KFT Recommendations
- Fiscal transparency and accountability are required. The administration must first provide the full, true budgetary numbers for independent analysis.
- Tap the $26 million fund balance. There is plenty of money to cover the deficit and that is its purpose.
- Reduce administrative bloat. Montclair State University manages a student body 25% larger than Kean’s with 59 fewer administrators (104 to our 163). At well over $100k per administrator, Kean could eliminate the entire deficit by “right-sizing” its management.
- Suspend construction. Institutions experiencing true financial exigencies halt construction projects until finances improve. Why is the administration so willing to violate Union contracts yet considers construction contracts sacrosanct?
- Freeze hiring. The salary and benefits of fourteen new faculty positions plus additional administrative positions totals $1.5 million, offsetting most of the $2 million cut in base funding. This would be a temporary measure until resources could be redirected from non-classroom related areas.
The Council of Concerned Faculty agree with Bob Braun. There needs to be state policing of public universities, so that one lone administrator such as Dawood Farahi (or dictator, as Farahi was called by Senator Raymond Lesniak) will be required to answer to the public for his irresponsible, disastrous financial decisions without further penalizing the students. Further, there should also be an investigation as to why the Board of Trustees has failed to provide reasonable oversight for that irresponsible spending.
Attack on Academic Programs
Lies, Lies and More Lies…
Power can create great opportunity to do good or evil. It can be used to encourage, support, and reward others or it can be abused for personal gain, coercion, or to intimidate, or punish. It is a measure of personal character and integrity on how power is used. The Farahi Administration once again used the excuse of financial crisis to impose punishment on people and programs that dared to be critical or even question the administration. Despite the restored finances, the university decimated several strong, popular and viable programs, eliminating and combining several others, all without documenting any savings whatsoever. It managed to do this without even the courtesy of allowing the departments the knowledge that such plans were in the works. Most departments only became aware of the plans when they were announced at the Board of Trustees meeting on May 18th. Members of the departments were stunned, not by the action, but at how little the Vice President for Academic Affairs actually knew about the departments, how erroneous the facts presented were, and how unconcerned he was about the consequences involving faculty and students. The Council of Concerned Faculty rejects the Farahi Administration’s body of lies, the personal vendetta, and personal lack of integrity that has lead to dictatorship, not leadership. To the faculty of the affected departments we offer our sincere understanding of the circumstances and applaud the strength it took to fight for your programs and students, despite personal risk.
Thank You to Our Sister Institutions For Your Help and Support. Our Concerns Are Your Concerns!
From the Council of Concerned Faculty
Concerning: How the Farahi Administration Charges Students More but Gives Them Less…
On Monday, April 27, 2009 a poll vote revealed that 92% of faculty and professional sfaff voted NO CONFIDENCE in President Dawood Farahi’s ability to lead the university.
To the Students, Parents, and Taxpayers of New Jersey:
Another Point of View
On Thursday, April 30, 2009, V.P. for Finance, Philip Connelly and Interim V.P. for Academic Affairs, Mark Lender, distributed a message defending the actions taken by President Dawood Farahi in his unilateral attempt to dismantle the academic affairs of this state university. They reiterated the same fallacious arguments that the answer to a projected budget deficit is to reorganize academic affairs. They lay out no plan and no financial savings associated with the action. The Council of Concerned Faculty and the Kean Federation of Teachers is determined to bring the truth to students and the public. They ask you to demand that an impartial outside agency be brought in to determine the truth about the financial situation at Kean University. Rather than reorganizing academic affairs, the entity least responsible for the fiscal mess, they suggest instead, a reorganization of the administration whose failed policies have singled out Kean University as the only state university to be in serious trouble.
Why are Dawood Farahi and the Board of Trustees permitted to railroad through changes that faculty and professional staff believe will have an irreversible and detrimental effect on the university? This is a public institution with public employees, where any semblance of shared democratic governance has been systematically suppressed or subverted. Faculty, other employees, and in particular, the Unions have been asking for years to have the state intervene with a true impartial forensic audit of finances.
Once again the administration has targeted academic programs and faculty. The facts do not support the administrations arguments and will not begin to address the financial mismanagement of the university:
Administration: Faculty salaries and raises are to blame for the current fiscal crisis.
FACT: Kean has only 354 full time faculty, compared with more than 500 at Montclair State University. 60% of all Kean classes are taught by more than 1,000 adjunct instructors who have no required office hours and no advising. Montclair’s faulty has the same union representation and the same pay scale and same contract raises of approximately 3%, and yet, Montclair’s president, Susan Cole,has declared that while finances are tight, the institution is sound and no drastic measures are planned. Montclair and the other state institutions are not dismantling their academic programs. Kean has the worst graduation rates in the state at around 17%. Research shows that successful universities have the most resident faculty. Kean has the worst record of academic support and now wants to cut it further, while the other state universities have no plans to make any drastic academic changes. While Kean will reduce programs, affecting the quality of its educational offerings, Montclair will welcome its largest student body ever in the fall, and even anticipates expanding a number of departments into Schools. Other universities have indicated they have no plans to reduce programs or faculty.
On the other hand, there would be a substantial savings by making major cuts to the number of administrators and their high salaries, now associated with Kean’s administrative bloat.
Kean has 59 more administrators than Montclair, (Kean 164 to Montclair’s 103) and Montclair has a 25% larger student body! Administrators make on average twice as much as faculty and have no oversight for hiring, spending, or other restrictions that are imposed on faculty. Clearly, Montclair appears to have a great deal more to offer students, educationally.
Administration: They are concerned about students.
FACT: They have completely misled the students and public. Students will pay more and get less: The Farahi administration is determined to cut programs, increase class size, increase dependence on adjunct faculty, reduce class offerings, force students into five or six day schedules, increase tuition, substantially increase fees , and reduce educational opportunities.
A combination of tuition and fees puts Kean almost exactly at the same cost as Montclair, but Kean students are getting a whole lot less for their money. The plans to dismantle the academic programs of the university, hastily put together and as yet to be revealed to the faculty, students, and departments affected ( other than in the vaguest terms), are being rushed into action without regard for the academic structure currently in place. It will affect in total, the very essence of a university academic structure. The entities affected have had no access to written documents and no input. Kean University is facing Middle States reaccreditation. This administration has put that accreditation at serious risk.
The Farahi administration fails students, faculty and taxpayers.
The Farahi administration has cut academic funding while growing the university debt from $35million to over $400 million. It attempts to reconcile the resulting budget deficit at the expense of students and academics. The Council of Concerned Faculty and the KFT are not opposed to examining measures to cut costs, but they ask that the process be a thoughtful, transparent, thorough look at the current finances, the uncontrolled spending, and viable alternative plans.
Because 92% of Faculty and Staff have no confidence in the ability of Dawood Farahi to lead the university, and because his own administration’s failed policies have placed the university in grave peril and financial crisis, and because no other state university has had to attack its academic programs or faculty in a similar manner, and because the accreditation of the university has been placed at risk, the Council of Concerned Faculty asks that those responsible, including Dawood Farahi, President, Philip Connelly, V.P. for Finance, and Mark Lender, Interim V.P. for Academic Affairs, be held accountable to the students, parents, and taxpayers of New Jersey.
It's about time that more people are being made aware of the senseless action being imposed on this university. Bravo.
I agree with the previous comment. I hope more people feel empowered to tell their stories.
If you feel that way, then please spread the word!
What most Kean employees cannnot see is that behind the so called imposed scheduling changes of the fall 08 term and the total overhaul done to the Spring 09 term, there is rampant fiscal corruption in this miniscule public university. How do you explain that the equipment in so many "smart" classrooms never operate or operate at substandard levels? For example, speakers and operating buttons that are ceiling high and inadequate for classroom use with 25 students at any given time. The main reason for all these "tech" problems lies in the questionable no-bid contracts behind the scenes. Kean awarded the cheapest contracts, many with no competitive bidding, and "trustees" giving permission for all this nonsense. Public officers within/without quietly got xtra funds. So no matter how many emails we may get from the Center for Professional Development, we will continue to deal with "smart" classrooms loaded with ineffective equipments that do not practically serve employees and students at Kean University. Kean University is in need of a comprehensive fiscal audit. We are carefully watching what the state authorities plan to do about this serious matter. If they turn their heads the other way, remember next time you vote.
I am a faculty member at another of the state universities. We have the same contract, but the climate at my university is much more collaborative and open. I am very concerned about what is happening at Kean because it endangers the rights of the faculty at all the institutions covered by the union. What can faculty at the other institutions do to support faculty rights at Kean? Can the state council do more to rally other faculty?
In June, Dean Dollarhide forcibly "rescheduled" the Fall ’08 semester for all depts in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Dollarhide gave chairs until June 30 to comply with his new rules or else "the Dean's Office will make the schedules for all faculty."
What are the "new rules?" They are whatever your Dean says they are. Dawood Farahi has failed to publish the new rules, i.e., refused to take public responsibility for them. There is no authoritative statement of the new rules. All there is is the unattributed, undated so-called "bulleted list," which was handed to the KFT on an FYI basis on May 6, the day after the protest rally, and the May 27 "Scheduling Policy Recommendations" of the Council of Deans, which Farahi has not officially adopted. Neither of those documents endorses the new rules Dollarhide imposed on my College, which are as follows:
(1) All faculty, except chairs, must have 3 course preparations.
(2) Faculty may teach no back-to-back course sections whatsoever, day or evening.
(3) Office hours must be “staggered” and in two-hour blocks, i.e., in different time slots on different days and not in between class periods.
There are no such rules either in the “bulleted list” or in the Council of Deans “Recommendations.”
There are no "new rules" for the institution as a whole. Rather, everything is at the whim of the Deans.
The Faculty Senate, unlike the KFT, has a right to be consulted about "academic policy" issues. But the Senate is controlled by Farahi supporters, who have made not a peep.
All faculty should make public what has occurred in their depts, for otherwise one is helping Farahi proceed with his dictatorial methods by keeping those methods hidden.
In my little dept, Dollarhide's imposition of his new rules on the already scheduled Fall '08 semester resulted in the cancellation of 200 students out of their advance registration in six course sections.
Pete Pezzolo, Professor
Philosophy and Religion
The repressive climate we endure at this university erodes the pillars that sustain a university community. At Kean University, there is no space for free debate of ideas, shared governance is almost extinct, and persecution of those who dissent is common practice. Just recently, former Dean Shaffer-Koros was "ousted" for asserting the best interests of her college, faculty and students. Professor Bernie Weinstein was "ousted" as director of the Holocaust Center for exercising his right to free speech at a recent Board of Trustees' open forum. The last minute imposed rules that contributed to many Fall 08 courses being cancelled were in retaliation for our support given to Kean students who attended the May rally. We have much to learn from Bernie and Carol. Staying on the sidelines while the rights of so many colleagues/students are violated would not solve our collective plight. It is in difficult times that we need to affirm our moral fiber and act accordingly. The State Council can galvanize the other eight public universities in defending Kean union members. What is truly at stake is our collective survival as professionals and educators.(Quote:"Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move".-Paulo Coelho)
Maria del Carmen Rodriguez
Assistant Professor,Department of Counseling
I am so afraid of losing my job over any comments like this, but I just have to ask: is everybody so afraid of Dawood because of his association with Lesniak? Is that why our governor won't do any thing? Is it true that there are no sho jobs here at Kean for Lesniaks people? and others that show up but are not really qualified?
If you have a comment or story to tell, please let us all hear it. We need to spread the word about what is happening at Kean.
Yesterday, I met a student of mine who shared that he got a parking ticket on campus. He had just put the new parking sticker on the rear window above the brake light as instructed. I asked him if he had removed the old sticker and he had. "Well, that's the explanation then," I said. "The campus cops have told leaders of my union that the administration has not told them anything about new parking stickers. So the cop who gave you the ticket didn't even know that he should look at your back window." Just another example of an administration that can't do anything right!
Thanks for the info. No way in Hell I send my kid to this joint.
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